About No Ordinary Kinna!
The mission of No Ordinary Kinna is to inspire those out there in blogger land to be creative, thrifty and eco-friendly. This blog will soon be chock-full of design, crafts, tutorials, reviews, giveaways and more! Check back soon for updates!
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the digital scrapbooking and craft freebies that I continue to post. I know what a trip it can be to not find what you're looking for. Feel free to email me a request and I will do my best to put together a design based on your message details, description, and/or image file. I love hearing from you and so I welcome it. Thank you in advance. And of course, it'll be free!
On a Personal Note:
Currently, I am studying for the GMAT and working as a part-time tutor. I am passionate about design marketing and aspire to promote sustainability through Environmental Marketing some day. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, playing basketball, reading, traveling, and pursuing my artistic talents in design and crafts.
I am a very organized person who likes making lists and tagging events in my daily planner. I am driven by color and find myself being inspired by everything from my favorite TV shows to the great outdoors... including fashion apparel, home decor and even trips to the grocery store!
I hope you enjoy my blog and find the freebies worthwhile. Any amount of donation would be greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to drop a comment every now and then; I would love to hear from you!