Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cyber Week Sales

Did you miss Black Friday? Wish you could get more shopping done?

For those of you who don't know about Cyber Monday, many popular online stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target and Walmart are all having a Black Friday after-party... All. Week. LONG! So here's the scoop in what you should look out for:

First things first, right off the bat you should know that Amazon.com is a leading competitor during Cyber Week. If you're looking for something, anything, in particular, (compare all you want but) Amazon is probably you're go-to for the best deals.

What We Love!

Go cheaper (and sleeeker): Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS 12.1 MP Digital Camera ($229.00 $172.00)
Compare: Amazon's Cyber Week in Camera, Photo and Video

Go cheaper: (Click 2 GB option) SanDisk Sansa Clip 2 GB MP3 Player ($39.99 $29.99)
Compare: I have one! Who needs an iPod? These are incredibly durable, compact, have an easy-to-use interface and are perfect for walking and/or jogging!.. all this for only half the price! You won't be disappointed.

Go cheaper: Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America by Firoozeh Dumas ($14.00 $10.99)
Compare: I enjoy a good memoir. Do you? Read a free excerpt from each book and find out!

What to Avoid...

Why?: I'll hand it to ya, this is one heck of a deal! But unless you have your own television show on Food Network, ditch the upscaled-version for what you really need, a standard mixer. Let's face it, you want something that gets the job done, without fusing your circuit breaker.
Try This: KitchenAid Classic Plus Tilt Head 4.5-Quart Stand Mixer ($199.00 $179.00)

Why?: Hold it right there. I thought we were looking for a Cyber Week sale.
Try This: GiGi Wax Warmer Model 0225 ($49.95 $24.99)

Why?: This does seem like a great gift for creative artists and photographers at first, but let's cut the fancy equipment and use Google Images, a free search engine, for inspiration instead!
Try This: Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas by Amit Gupta ($21.99 $14.80)