Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's Sticky

Lo and behold, I'm starting a Tumblr after all. :)

What happened was that I started blogging in this very post when suddenly I realized that what I was writing about was completely out of sync with this blog. I scurried over to the next room and asked my housemate, "remember that book I shared with you the other day? The weird one. Would it be weird if I shared it in my blog?" As those words came out of my mouth, I knew. I knew that if I had to ask about it, I had my answer.

What's Sticky may have slight overlap with some pictures or stories I share here, but it'll be nothing like this creative blog. It's purpose will be to log random things I come across on a day-to-day basis. Things that stick. It's marketing-related. Anyways, I'm rambling.. if you're looking for freebies, tutorials and giveaways, you've come to the right place. :)

Speaking of things that stick... I came across this funny, out of the ordinary picture the other day and it sparked my interest to make a new mini kit!

What do you make of this picture?

Haha, this made me chuckle. :) I'm almost done but I have a few more elements in mind that I'd like to add before I post it as... a giveaway! Details to be announced soon! Here's a sneak preview of what most of it looks like:

And just to celebrate my new Tumblr, here's a freebie for you! Click on the preview to download:


Anonymous said...

Love that bread case or what ever it is!!! Thank you for the face parts - what a great idea!

Laura said...

It totally made me chuckle!

No Ordinary Kinna said...

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. I'm glad you're all enjoying them! :)